The mind plays tricks on the spoken word and often only remembers what it wants to remember. The universal power of lyrical music uses the repetitive memory of melody to clarify the lyrics to empower and immortalize the message. Unfortunately, the tone and beat of most music is often more memorable than the words.

Jim Morrison spoke and lived his words blatantly. The music was strategically intended to punctuate the LYRICS and empower them. At the height of their power in 1968, The Doors were collectively focused on the UNIVERSAL MIND; their individual egos were left at the stage door. The lyrics live as insights and questions to be reinterpreted and pondered by each new generation. That is what defines great music and poetry ... it transcends time and cultural barriers ... it speaks from the UNIVERSAL MIND.

Jan Eloise Morris 2000


Jim Morrison
40th Anniversary Paris Tour
29 June ~ 5 July 2011

The West is Best :
Los Angeles Tour 2002




Jan Eloise Morris

Multimedias are invariably sad comedies. They work as a kind of colorful group therapy, a woeful mating of actors and viewers, a mutual semimasterbation. The performers seem to need their audience and the spectators would find these same titillations in freak show or Fun Fair and fancier, more complete amusements in a Mexican cathouse.

The Lord and the New Creatures

a new epitaph for pere lachaise
in search of love street
the meeting
my paradise lost

morrison vs dade county
Morrison Library
morrison birthday celebration


Riders on the Storm
The Doors Concerto

official site


 Stoned Immaculate

VH1 Storytellers


 The Doors
Special DVD release

 Morrison Poster

 Morrison Poster

Official Site of The Doors

Interview with Jim Morrison
Lizzie James

Michelle Campbell's photography
prints for sale

Jerry Hopkins

The Doors Music -
On Sale at Amazon

Manzarek Krieger Band 

Jac Holzman Interview

Wild Child - recreating the magic