What's YOUR passion ? Have you ever allowed
yourself to discover your natural gift of creativity ? Have you
lost your muse in the dehumanizing process of being published
In our own personal journey of creative
expression we've encountered people with passion and incredible
talent. Yet, there are many talented people whose work will never
be seen.
Will a tree falling in the forest make
a sound if no living being is present to hear it ? Does art exist
before anyone beyond the artist is exposed to it ?
Never before in the history of the world,
have so many people had the opportunity to pursue creativity
at their finger tips. Never has the potential for an artist to
be so accessible world wide. Where are you along the path to
creative freedom ? Cinetropic invites your thoughts, your wisdom.
We invite you to share with those who share your passion in a
forum designed to nuture your path as an artist ...
us your book suggestions
The Artistry
of Enlightenment
us your comments