19. EXT. SQUARE IN FRONT OF THE ROSE THEATRE. DAY HENSLOWE is making his way from the theatre to the market place when FENNYMAN and LAMBERT appear at either shoulder and propel him back the way he came. FREES follows behind. This time we take your boots off! What have I done, Mr. Fennyman ? The theatres are all closed by the plaque ! Oh, that. -by order of the Master of the Revels ! Mr. Fennyman, let me explain about the theatre business (they stop) The natural condition is one of unsurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster. Believe me, to be closed by the plague is a bagatelle in the ups and downs of owning a theatre. So what do we do ? Nothing. Strangely enough, it all turns out well. How ? I don't know. It's a mystery. (dumbly) Should I kill him Mr. Fennyman ? At the point a rising din is heard in the background. A messenger, ringing a bell, is running through the street. ...The theatres are reopened. By order of the Master of Revels, the theatres are reopened ... FENNYMAN is intrigued. Mr. Fennyman ! Mr. Tilney has opened the playhouses. Yes I heard. HENSLOWE plays his temporary advantage modestly, shrugging himself free of LAMBERT'S grip. (to LAMBERT) If you wouldn't mind ... HENSLOWE continues on his way. FENNYMAN watches HENSLOWE, curious. Where is the play ? Oh, it's coming, it's coming. |