From half a lifetime ago
Memories still move in a psychedelic haze.
How strange the stilled images of boxed photographs
Beautiful, daring, idealistic poses.
It was a time when youthful innocence
paid less of a price for ignorance.
Drifting namelessly in a tide of numbers,
Awakening to reality came slow from the
sweet dreams of peace, love, brotherhood.
You were my
first wild love
Nothing can compare to that headlong fall
into love's first sight.
No manufactured capsules duplicate the
chemistry of first touch.
We played house on the red carpet of an
attic apartment,
Found wonderment hour upon hour in the
colors of each other's eyes.
Spent endless nights in wicked revelry,
in search of the ultimate high.
Not a day without
phone calls.
Monday night football-beer-bashes,
Friends gathered for a lifetime.
Late night fraternity rendezvous
Passion on a summer night's rooftop.
The smell of incense, Mexican imports, Budweiser
Food fights at the Drumstick.
Sometimes I
still wonder what happened,
Still miss the fire in your eyes,
the mystical feeling of soft surrender.
Glad through all the years
there is a part of us that never let go.
The fantasy of how things could have been
never tested or destroyed by the way things are.
Age has no power over pure chemistry.
Old flames are still the best.....
copyright 1994 Jan
Eloise Morris