It seems that long before Vianne
Rocher entered the picture, chocolate has been a factor in the
battle between life's pleasures and those who would deny them.
The real life history of chocolate is filled with contradictory
rumors and fairytales. There are those who have spoken of chocolate's
mystical powers and healing qualities, and yet chocolate has
also incited repression, moral judgements and even political
banishment. Screenwriter Robert Nelson Jacobs delved into this
rich and pungent history in order to give the character of Vianne
a legacy steeped in mystery -- a legacy that goes all the way
back to the Mayan Indians and a tree bearing a fruit known as
"the food of the gods." Below are some highlights from
this intricate history:
· Chocolate literally
grows on trees, appearing in its raw state as pods on the 40-60
foot tall trees known botanically as "Theobroma cacao,"
which means "food of the gods." This widebranching
tropical evergreen has grown wild in Central America since prehistoric
times. It also grows in South America, Africa and part of Asia.
· The Mayan Indians of
Mexico began using a form of chocolate as early as 600 a.d.,
at which point they worshiped the cocoa bean as an idol, a literal
gift from the heavens.
· Cocoa beans were thought
to have fearsome magical powers by the Maya and were carefully
used in rituals, religious ceremonies and healings by priests.
The Maya used cocoa medicinally as a treatment for fever, coughs
and even discomfort during pregnancy.
· The Maya had a God,
Ykchaua, who served as the patron of cocoa merchants.
· The Maya were the first
to invent a cocoa drink, a hot, mostly bitter beverage made up
ground cocoa pods and spices.
· Later, the Aztec Indians
improved upon the recipe, sweetening it with vanilla and honey.
They called their drink "xocoati" (pronounced similar
to Chocolatl), meaning "bitter water."
· In Aztec myth, the god
of agriculture, Questzalcoatl, traveled to earth carrying the
cocoa tree from Paradise, because it would bring humans wisdom
and power.
· Chocolate became so
highly regarded by the Aztecs that it was used as a form of currency
along with gold dust.
· The Florentine Codex,
one of the main historical sources describing Aztec life, calls
chocolate "The drink of nobles," and notes that it
must be prepared with the meticulous care due to its powerful
· Although Columbus returned
to Europe with the first cocoa beans, no one knew what to do
with them and they were dismissed in favor of other trade goods.
· Europeans got their first real taste of chocolate when
Emperor Moctezuma met the explorer Cortes and his army with a
foaming hot chocolate drink.
· In 1528 when Cortes
returned to Spain from the New World, he brought with him the
Aztec's chocolate drink making equipment and the trend began
to catch on. But due to the drink's powerful reputation, the
beans were sequestered away in monasteries and the formula for
the drink kept secret, to be enjoyed only by the wealthiest of
· In the early 1600s Italian
traveler Antonio Carletti carried the beans to the rest of Europe
and for the first time, chocolate came to the common people.
· By the 1700s, so-called
"Chocolate Houses" were all the rage, as popular as
coffee houses. In England, Charles 11 tried to close them down,
calling them "hotbeds of sedition."
· When chocolate first
made its way to France, in the 18"' century, it was decried
by authorities as a "dangerous drug."
· The idea of mixing chocolate
with milk did not come until the 18th century. Sir Hans Sloane,
personal doctor to Queen Anne, invented the secret recipe and
later sold it to the Cadbury brothers who made a fortune with
new confections.
· It was a Dutch chemist,
Johannes Van Houten, who developed the modem cocoa process, inventing
a hydraulic press that would produce a fine cocoa powder. Thus
began the era mass-produced chocolate.
from the Miramax
press release |