Blue Springs 150 Birthday Celebration
Parade Information


The parade route will be starting at Broad and Walnut Streets and go to the Fireman's Memorial Hall at 207 East Broad Street and turn south from there. There will be lots of traffic in this area so please stay alert.

Prior to the parade all entries will be judged. Four awards will be given: Best Use of Theme, Best Business Float, Best Organization Float, and Judge's Choice.

We ask that you abide by these rules during the parade:

1) Make sure your position number is posted on both the left and right side of your entry.

2) Throwing items from floats is not prohibited, however, for the safety of bystanders we request that any items you are giving away (candy, etc) be given out by people walking along side your entry.

3) Please maintain a safe distance from the entry in front of you but do not allow a large gap to open in front of your entry.

4) No reckless driving in the parade line-up area or during the parade route. You will be asked not to participate in the parade if necessary.

The parade will be announced to the public downtown in front of the bank. The award winners will be stopped during the parade in front of the announcer's stand and their plaque will be presented at that time.

For those who are coming from out of town, we would like to remind you of the Keno Lounge, Church Lunch, Evening BarBQue and a few food vendors in the Flea Market area where you can eat. Please check out our schedule for a list of all events.


Thanks for joining us this special year. Enjoy the day's activities !